The Barn Code of Conduct
Our Commitment
The Barn is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, victimisation, harassment and bullying. We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive and healthy community.
Our Standards
We expect the following behaviour from everyone. To
- demonstrate care towards one another: treat others with kindness, empathy and patience
- be respectful of others, valuing differing opinions, viewpoints and experiences
- not invade other’s personal and emotional space, always seek consent
- respect terminology and the right to self-describe
- treat everybody as an individual and respect the needs of others
- be open to learning, making space for open discussion, debate and feedback
- have fun and find enjoyment in our creativity
The Barn does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form. This includes direct or in- direct forms of discrimination. The Barn does not tolerate inappropriate, threatening, offensive or harmful behaviour and language.
This code of conduct applies to all users; staff, Trustees, volunteers, artists, hirers and visitors, in the Barn space; physically and virtually. It also applies to anyone representing the Barn in other public spaces, including online.
We reserve the right to remove anyone creating an unsafe or unpleasant environment or in violation of this code, from any of the Barn spaces.
Anyone who experiences or witnesses behaviour that violates the Code of Conduct is encouraged to report it to one of the Senior Leadership Team. All reports will be treated as a serious matter, handled confidentially and dealt with in line with the Barn’s Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy.