Woodend Allotments 

Woodend Allotments opened in April 2007 after Leys Estate generously leased us a field behind the Barn. Woodend Arts Limited helped create Woodend Allotments as an independent community group in 2006 and funds were raised to pay for deer and rabbit fencing, as well as a communal shed and summer house.

A second field of allotments was opened in April 2011 with funding support from the Climate Challenge Fund to fence the site and prepare the ground. The allotments have been fully subscribed since opening – there are some 120 plot holders including three community groups, which perhaps makes us the largest site of new allotments in Scotland.

If you are interested in having an allotment, please contact us by giving your name, address, e-mail and telephone number. Plots are either full plots (18 metres by 9 metres) or half plots (9 metres square).

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